Saturday, March 28, 2009

TV Series: 霹靂MIT Pi Li MIT (Mysterious Incredible Terminator)

and ta da! I have a new obsession! Very very cool drama! I'd say what initially attracted me to this drama was the genre, I tend to like mystery/suspense. That'd be reason number 1, and well, reason number 2, it's cause Aaron Yan is in it. Initally, I was not entirely impressed with Aaron's acting, his character Zhan Shi De (007) was rather dull and lacked emotion. Also, it seemed to be a total opposite of the impression of what I get from Aaron when I watch interviews and such. In real life, Aaron seemed to be rather childish, and suddenly, in this drama, he's totally more mature. It was almost as if the role didn't seem to suit him. However, after finishing the drama, I think he did a pretty good job of playing Zhan Shi De, the fact that he was able to give a totally different feeling from what he's like in real life is pretty impressive. Another character that I didn't really like when I first watched this drama was Li Xiao Xing (Gui Gui). She seemed extremely annoying, but I guess just like Zhan Shi De, the more you get to know her, the more likeable she gets. And yeah, I really don't know what to make of Ms. Cherry (Christine Fan), she's a very interesting teacher indeed. Pi Li MIT did a very good job in character development. Every character had a story to tell, which was related to the cases in one form or another, which really kept the drama interesting.

As for the story, I felt that it was rather confusing at the beginning as you're trying to figure out what exactly is going on. However, as you continue watching it, everything seems to start making more sense. The cases weren't all that predictable at the beginning, which to me, was rather fustrating, because I like thinking and I like to be one step ahead of tv characters whenever I watch dramas. However, I think that was the cool thing, since it wasn't boring. There were a couple of cases later on that was a little more predictable, but it was still interesting. Overall, I don't recall there being any boring parts in the story, it was well written.

Life lessons.... well..., I can't really think of any right now. All I can say is that it was good, fun entertainment. I question how realistic it is, but then again, that is exactly why I call it entertainment. Cool drama and definitely worth taking a look at! In fact, I think I'll rewatch it real soon!

RainbowSnow's rating: 4/5
Links:San Jiang Official Website
GTV Official Website
FTV Official Website

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