Tuesday, August 5, 2008

TV Series: 轉角*遇到愛 Corner * With Love

Corner * With Love is an absolutely beautiful fairy tale. To be specific, it starts off by being a beautiful fairy tale, "princess" Yu Xin Lei (played by Barbie Xu) is happily in love with "prince" Shang Dong (played by Chen Zhi Kai). Of course, it's not this perfect, or else there wouldn't be a TV show to begin with. Yu Xin Lei's car runs into Qin Lang's (played by Show Luo) bike, causing conflict between the two. Yu Xin Lei and Qin Lang are almost complete opposites, Yu Xin Lei is a rich and arrogant girl, while Qin Lang is poor and friendly. Throughout this story, Xin Lei encounters many hardships, and Qin Lang is always there to help her.

I thought that Corner * With Love was a cute story. There were some touching parts that almost brought tears to my eyes, but at the same time, there were some parts that were absolutely hilarious. It is a story that is geared towards teen audiences, so not all people will like it. One of the things that I may not like about this show is the fairy tale aspect of it, it seems to lack realism. However, with that said, I don't think I mind being taken to a fairy tale world every once in a while. So this story starts out by being a fairy tale, but does this story end happily ever after? Watch it and find out!

RainbowSnow's Rating: 3/5
Links: CTV Offical Site
Buy this TV Series at yesasia.com