Thursday, August 21, 2008

TV Series: 師奶兵團 The Family Link

This is a TV show about housewives in Hong Kong. The story revolves around three housewives, Mong Ka Ka (Sheren Tang), Hilary Ding (Cecilia Yip) and Cho Mei Ngo (Kiki Sheung) and how they try to keep their family together, ranging from resolving problems with their husbands, involvement in their children's education, housework and saving money from everyday expenses. Initially, I wasn't all that interested in this show, as it was about housewives and I didn't think I could relate to it, however, what kept me interested was the fact that it was a comedy, and there were things that I could laugh at, especially at the parts where I can go "Hey! My mom does that!".

I was very impressed with Sheren Tang's portrayal of Mong Ka Ka, because I had never imagined her being able to play a housewife. Especially after recently watching La Femme Desperado, where Sheren played Hilda, a strong businesswoman and The Drive of Live where Sheren played Wong Siu Fun, the wife of a fairly rich businessman. Sheren Tang's portrayal of a housewife was very convincing and well done.

I couldn't help but to find the costumes of Mong Ka Ka's husband Joe Fong (Michael Tse) to be rather disturbing. I thought that there were other methods to go about the fact that he likes dancing. However, when I think more deeply about it, it gives the audience a chance to relate to Mong Ka Ka, and her initial reluctance to accept what her husband was doing.

It was a good tv show, the fact that it revolved around the three housewives meant that there were three stories going on at the same time, which kept me interested. It was a topic of housewives was unique and different. Good.

RainbowSnow's rating: 4/5
Links: TVB Official Webpage for The Family Link

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

TV Series: 轉角*遇到愛 Corner * With Love

Corner * With Love is an absolutely beautiful fairy tale. To be specific, it starts off by being a beautiful fairy tale, "princess" Yu Xin Lei (played by Barbie Xu) is happily in love with "prince" Shang Dong (played by Chen Zhi Kai). Of course, it's not this perfect, or else there wouldn't be a TV show to begin with. Yu Xin Lei's car runs into Qin Lang's (played by Show Luo) bike, causing conflict between the two. Yu Xin Lei and Qin Lang are almost complete opposites, Yu Xin Lei is a rich and arrogant girl, while Qin Lang is poor and friendly. Throughout this story, Xin Lei encounters many hardships, and Qin Lang is always there to help her.

I thought that Corner * With Love was a cute story. There were some touching parts that almost brought tears to my eyes, but at the same time, there were some parts that were absolutely hilarious. It is a story that is geared towards teen audiences, so not all people will like it. One of the things that I may not like about this show is the fairy tale aspect of it, it seems to lack realism. However, with that said, I don't think I mind being taken to a fairy tale world every once in a while. So this story starts out by being a fairy tale, but does this story end happily ever after? Watch it and find out!

RainbowSnow's Rating: 3/5
Links: CTV Offical Site
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Monday, August 4, 2008

TV Series: 溏心風暴 Heart of Greed

If there's any show that gets better as you watch it, it would be this one. I remember first watching Heart of Greed and not having a keen interest in it. It seemed like an endless cycle of conflict and celebration within the family. However, after watching more, especially towards the end of the show, you'll realize that the conflicts run deeper than what appears on the surface. As much as this show is called Heart of Greed and we do see that some characters have a strong desire for wealth, the story is actually about family, friendship and love.

One of the reasons that I ended up really liking this show is that it is very real to humans and human nature. All the characters have their strengths, but they also have their weaknesses, and there are some that really stuck out to me.

Wong Sau Kam, played by Susanna Kwan is a character that perhaps I will never forget. On the surface, she is the antagonist of the story, causing a plethora of problems for the Tong family. However, she is a character that I sympathize with the most. All Wong Sau Kam really wanted was equality. I think that there are times in our lives where we felt the same way, that things are not fair and we wish that they were, she just went to the extremes to get what she wanted. She is a character as a result of the situation she is placed in. She came into the Tong family having to share everything, so at the end of the day, she wanted to have her fair share of the Tong's family wealth. As much as Wong Sau Kam wanted half the assets of the Tong family, I personally believe that she wasn't there entirely for the money, since she was willing to donate a quarter of it to charity. Further evidence of Wong Sau Kam's entire desire for equality is at the end of the series, when she hears Seung Joi Sum's (played by Linda Chung) closing statement on the court case for the Tong family's assets. This is when she realizes that Tong Yun Gai (played by Ha Yu) really has given her half of all he had and Wong Sau Kam decides that she no longer wants to fight for the Tong family's assets.

Another character that stuck out to me in Heart of Greed is the character Tong Chi Foon played by Chris Lai. Tong Chi Foon is a character that is very righteous, which is the source of conflict when he is stuck between his mother, Wong Sau Kam, and the Tong family. He is someone who will never lie, however, when Wong Sau Kam begged Ling Hau (played by Louise Lee) for forgiveness, Foon was forced to lie that Ling Hau has in fact forgiven his mother. What made this part memorable is seeing someone who is so righteous lie so that he can protect someone close to him. It makes me wonder what people will do to protect their loved ones.

Overall, I think that Heart of Greed is a very good show and definitely worth watching. I have learned a lot from this show, especially from Ling Hau's wise phrases, Tong Yan Gai's desire to keep the family together and Tong Chi On's (played by Moses Chan) attitude towards friends.

如果要找一部越看越好看的電視劇的話, 那溏心風暴一定會是其中一部。 我還記得我當初看溏心風暴的時候, 我覺得它不是那麼好看。 唐家不是在吵吵鬧鬧, 就是在開開心心地玩。 但是, 再度看幾集之後, 你會發現其實溏心風暴中的衝突不是表面上看的那麼簡單。 溏心風暴這個故事是一個講親情, 友情和愛情的故事。

其中一個我喜歡這部電視劇的原因是因為它其中的人物很真於人性。 劇中的人物全都有強點但是他們也有弱點。 當中有幾個人物讓我難以忘記。

王秀琴(關菊英飾)是一個我永遠不會忘記的角色。 表面上, 她是反派, 常常會帶給唐家一大堆的麻煩, 但是她是一個我比較同情的角色。 說到底, 她最終要的就是平等的對待。 我覺得其實我們每個人有的時候都想要平等的對待, 王秀琴只不過是用了一些比較極端的方法。 她是一個由環境逼成的人物。 阿琴進入的唐家之後, 她什麼都需要和別人分一半, 到了最後, 她想要唐家一半的身家, 這也是她認為自己應得的。 雖然王秀琴口口聲聲說她要唐家的三億身家, 但是我認為她並不是全為了錢, 也許她只想為自己爭一口氣。 她曾經對記者說她會把她所爭到的財產其中的四分之一捐給慈善機構。 在常在心(鐘嘉欣飾)在說結案成詞的時候, 我們再可以看到王秀琴要爭身家並不是全為了錢。 這就是王秀琴發現其實唐仁街(夏雨飾)的確是把他人生的一半都給了阿琴, 於是王秀琴覺得自己沒有什麼好爭了。

還有一個我覺得是一個比較突出的人物就是黎諾懿所飾演的唐至歡。 他是一個非常正直的年青人, 這也是他夾在唐家和他媽媽王秀琴中所有的衝突。 他是一個從來不會撒謊的人, 但是當王秀琴請求凌巧(李司棋飾)原諒她的時候, 阿歡既然會為了讓他媽媽覺得心安和讓他們可以成為一家人而撒謊。 這令我難忘的原因是因為這讓我想知道一個人為了自己所愛的人會做些什麼事, 是不是就算違背良心也在所不辭?

總結來說, 我覺得溏心風暴是一部非常好看和直的看的電視劇。 當中, 我學到了很多, 從凌巧的金句我學到了一些做人的道理, 從唐仁街我學到了一家人齊齊整整的重要性和從唐至安(陳豪飾)我得到了一些對待朋友的心得。

RainbowSnow's rating: 4/5
Links: TVB Official Webpage for Heart of Greed